Friday, August 27, 2010

Scotty came to town!

When I first moved to VA, all those years ago, when I was a young & naive version of myself, Scott was one of the first people I met. Scotty and I became fast friends for two years before he moved. He was a rising 3rd year dental student and I was fascinated with why such a smart & cool guy would ever want to dig inside people's mouths the rest of his life! He schooled me on the benefits of dentistry as a profession, and his influence actually encouraged me to pursue it myself. We all know how my fickle nature caused me to change my mind in the end. However, had I never pursued that path I would have never gotten the degree I did, nor met some of the most influential people and best friends of my life. I have Scotty boy to thank for that.

So, Scott is a dentist for the army now and has traveled the world! He has been stationed in South Carolina, Korea, Iraq, DC, and now Texas. On his drive from DC to his Texas the other day, he made a pit stop to visit lil ole me in Florida! YAY! Scotty and I see each other about once a year, but every time we do, we picked up right where we left off. I love that guy!

So, I have two purposes for this post. Who knows anybody pretty girls in the Austin, Texas area? Hook him up!

Scott likes traveling, dogs, delicious food, the outdoors. He's tall, very handsome, and speaks Portuguese fluently. He's also one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in your life, should you get the blessed opportunity.

Secondly, check out this new restaurant that we had brunch at. The CrepeVine! Awesome!

I love you Scotty! I hope you enjoy Texas!


Dixie said...

I've never understood the mystery of why you two haven't hooked yourselves up?!

Stacy Hutchinson said...

Good luck to Scotty! I don't know anyone single in Austin, sorry. I'm mostly commenting b/c just yesterday I was talking to my bro., Travis about teeth and he told me that if there's anything wrong with your teeth when you're in the military, they just pull 'em out. SO Scotty, is that true? ALSO, those crepes look amazing. Josh is a great crepe-maker. He made them almost every day in France. He and the other missionaries all purchased crepe pans and brought them with them everywhere they travelled. We've talked about opening up a crepe restaurant here in BR. We don't have anything like that here. It might be something to pursue. Who knows?

Jessica said...

Dixie: Scott & I aren't compatible THAT way.

Stacy: No! That's not true! In the military they pay for ANY thing to get fixed, there's like an endless supply fund. And yeah, you should totally make a crepe restaurant. It'd be a hit!