Sunday, November 16, 2008

The suspense is killing me

So, I am still waiting to hear back about getting into dental school. It's normal. Some people don't hear back till the spring time, one person I know didn't find out until the week before school started... (please let that not be me...)

So in the meantime my mind is going berserk with "what ifs".

When I'm sitting alone on a Sunday morning, and lurking all my friends' blogs, I think that I'd like to move back out to the West... Get my MBA and do some sort of something...or other... geez I don't know. I miss my peeps out West. (or is it that I'm feeling compelled to settle down? ahh!)

I'm just feeling so anxious for change. I've always been someone who is ready for the next best thing to come and enrich my life, and the fact that I have stuck out almost 5 years of college in Richmond is really something... I've been dealing with so much sameness lately that I'm going crazy. Literally.

Here are some things I'm thinking.

I crave culture and international exchange.
I want to perfect my spanish and start a new language- Arabic.
I enjoy my biology.
I love to read and write.

I need some ideas for back up plans.
I know that I could just reapply to D school if I don't get in, it's common. But I am pretty confident that I can't take another year of this...

Any suggestions for other career or academic options?


Dixie & Markus said...

You could write children's books about biology for the kids living in Mexico, Spain, central and south America.
Tee hee!
You're going to get all excited about other career options and then you'll get your D-school acceptance letter and be highly disappointed. Haaha! Could you imagine?
To satisfy your international desires, you could come see me:) the rest of Europe is right across the channel.

Jessica said...

true. true.

PawPaw & Grammy said...

Yer young go for it girl, what ya realllly want. Do a service to someone in need to break the boredom. Love you, anxious to read the next chapters of your youthful life.