Saturday, July 5, 2008


I know you're all just dying to see my butchered here ya go! These are my friends Rob and Greg. Greg and I had never gone ice skating before so our experienced friend Rob came with us to show us how not to fall on our tushes. Rob is the one behind the camera.
Twas a good time. I used my roller blading skills from days of yore. I didn't end up having to utilize those gloves that I wore just in case I face planted it.
By the end, I was skating backward a little.
As for Greg....well, he wasn't nearly as coordinated as me...let's just say... heheh HEY, I have to be better than him at SOMETHING.

Greg and Rob

Thoughts of breaking my teeth on the ice race through my head as this 6 foot 4 man tries to steady himself.

my fave pic. I'm joyfully zooming past...

Greg was getting discouraged and I was making fun of him... except that it looks like I'm yawning



Dixie & Markus said...

You are sooo cute Jess! Your hair isn't even short! It still touches you shoulders. It'll be in the middle of your back by next week. I can't believe you had never been ice skating before??? That blows my mind! You're an Idaho girl! I'm glad you got to experience it! You look so cute!

Jessica said...

awe thanks girl:)