Friday, August 22, 2008

I don't want to grow up, I'm a toys 'R' Us Kid...

I think I have Peter Pan syndrome.

No seriously.

I know you're probably thinking, "Jess, you're totally responsible! You're graduating, and you're going to dental school next year. You have your stuff together!"

OK...that's actually what I HOPE you're thinking... What you're really probably thinking is "Yeah, I could have told you're totally childish..."

I'm feeling kind of bad. I mean, I just realized that I'll be 26 on my next birthday. TWENTY SIX...and people still mistake me for a 20 year old. Which, let's be honest, every woman wants to hear that she LOOKS younger than she that's good, but I don't believe that's where my youthful "charm" ends.

-I still use a bulletin board as decoration; a place for pictures instead of using frames.

-I own practically no furniture and zero grown-up decor for my apartment. I don't even know what I would do to my apartment if I did decorate it.

-I know how to cook like 2 things.

-I have seriously NO IDEA what is going on in the world today. NONE. Obama wants to change what?

-My idea of scrapbooking is uploading pictures to facebook.

-Unless it has to do with school, I am completely irresponsible and unreliable. I.e. church callings, relationship responsibilities, etc, etc...

-And I talk way too much. I have no filter and just say whatever is on my mind.

Bad, bad, bad.
I feel compelled to make some changes.

Immature Jessica would say "I am overwhelmed by the sucky essence that is me, and I don't even know where to begin... How about I take a nap..."

Mature Jessica would say "I am going to make a list and here it is"

1.) I am going to paint my room. Yes, probably some wildly inappropriate color like bright orange, but it's a start to unleashing my inner nester.

2.) I am going to start reading the news. As much as it pains and depresses me to do so, I'm going to inform myself on current events, and hopefully figure out who I'm voting for.

3.) I am going to start cooking for my friends. That kills two birds with one stone; nurturing friendships and learning to cook. So domestic.

4.) Lastly, I am not going to blurt out my opinions when I disagree with someone else's actions.


Dixie & Markus said...

Yeah, some growing up is good but, Please don't lose that child like wonder! In response to decorating your house: you are a very talented artist, by golly, just paint some shiz and hang it up.Look at the crap I hang up on my walls for some inspiration! ha ha! (see most recent post)
In response to current events, I think reading the news is over rated. For one, it IS depressing. For two, they don't always report the FULL story. The info is tainted! I think world news is a better source of information ( and it covers all world issues.
In response to your big mouth, that's the most entertaining part about you. It's the main reason we have such an honest and open relationship. Some people organize their thoughts before sharing them (me), others organize their thoughts while sharing them (you).
In response to your relationships with other peeps, especially of the male kind, I agree with you. :)
Miss you girl! Love you big time. Love the crazy one-piece pics.

Jessica said...

miss you and love you too girl, thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Good-Luck with all the grown up stuff. By the By: I love the picture! Korbi and I had fun one day getting all decked out in old costumes from Julie's. I will have to blog the pic soon....

Lindsey said...

Hey Jess!!! You know what is really sad? I am married and I still only know how to make like 5 things, not a good thing, good thing that Jake can make us food!! So you are not alone, believe me!!! I miss you!! I hope dental school isn't draining you to terribly, cute pic of the dress up you silly girl!! Always have fun and be silly, that is what I love about my little Jessica!!

Shane and Amy Jo said...

Jessica!! Hey there! You haven't posted in seems! So, I need your email address. Could you email is to me if you get the chance???
Shane has a mission buddy that is living in D.C. that we thought maybe you should meet???!?! me!!!