Wise County VA, we saw 1300 patients in 2.5 days, we provided 1.3 million dollars worth of work.
This project was the largest in the world and broke all the records.
I am so blessed to have been part of it.
(The pictures are in reverse order, so start from the bottom)
all tuckered out looking as sexy as can be
Jen helping me out with my look
I'll tell you what I AM in need of- A bath and a t-shirt that is not 4 sizes too large...oh and not a rat tail hair style either.
never looking better
gasin' up... took about 170 dollars each time
Not a bad drive
James was such a trooper and drove the entire time, so Jen and I never had to. We love James!!
On the road again...7 hour drive back to Richmond
End of Project meeting. Dr. Brooks and Dr. Dickensen telling us how freaking awesome we are. It's true.
I love this picture. This was after everything was packed up and we were headed out. Everybody's faces are so funny...
random sheep dog dressed up in dental scrubs
this poor cute Iranian boy that I followed around the whole trip...
Pizza hut
Neda made front page news!
it doesn't look like it, but he's singing
Neda, Jen, Austin, and David
This program is first come first serve so people end up waiting in very long lines for a very long time.
we're so retarded...lol
Fizza and me amused ourselves by putting stickers all over Neda's back...
James fulfilling the never ending job of trash duty
Naz and me
Zeeshawn being a good boy and dumping the spit buckets out...disgusting job which I have managed to avoid entirely
Cutie cutes Omar and Zeeshawn
This is the doc that let me do things I shouldn't have done... love him...
5 am, rise and shine! (me and Fizza, another one of my lova loves)
Dr. Brooks, doin her thang
I heart Neda. You know when you meet somebody and you just have a crazy connection with them, and love them instantly. That's Neda for me. She's my girl.
Oral surgeon resident that I helped out a bit
I'm tough.
Jen and me setting up one of the two sterilization sites for the hundreth time...
This is the main area where we work. Restorative and hygiene dentistry here, oral surgery in the back.
The project is set up at the Wise County Fair grounds, see how gorgeous? Since it's up in the mountains, the weather is basically perfect. It was warm and breezy the whole time :)
Jennifer and me after most of the set up was complete...
More settin' up
This is one of the two big supply trucks that brings down everything that we need. I drove this one for like 2 hours or so...it was scary, but I felt cool...haha
This is Neda and me setting up the units. (The things that suck saliva and blood and squirt air and water.)
This is so AMAZING! What a great experience! I wish I was there, I love getting my teeth cleaned by dentists!
ps Love your rat tail!
You're living quite the life girl, what a great memory builder. You look great. I need a molar fixed by the way.
thanks for the comment on my girls. they are lots of fun, and yes alexa is very animated. so i cant figure it out. are you a dentist, or assistant? looks like you are doing good. fun to hear from you.
You are so cute. Motherhood is great, but enjoy your life of adventure and freedom. It changes. I envy you a little.
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