Wednesday, February 25, 2009

embracing my mediocrity?

If you're looking for a pick-me-up, read no further, I'm about to complain.
This is the first semester in my life as a college student that I'm not working part-time. I'm sacrificing the extra cash so my last semester of college grades will be impeccable. There should be no excuse for less than perfection. My plan is not working.
I feel like I have the exact same amount of time on my hands as before, sans dinero- and performing at an equivalent level.
I'm having this inner conflict. Half of me just wants to shrug and be like " I'm not exceptional...who cares, at least I know I worked hard."
The other half of me wants to sort of freak out in an unattractive way...
This plays into my discouragement about graduate school. I REALLY want to go, a bachelor's is just not enough for me... but I'm like...dang, can I hack it?


Lindsey said...

I know how you feel for sure!! I am sorry you are feeling in the dumps. You are a bright, strong women!!! You can do whatever you want to and set your mind to!! Just figure out a detailed study schedule and stick to it!! Good luck girlie!!

Jessica said...

awe thanks! hehe