Friday, February 6, 2009

a good book

I am something of a moderate to avid reader. Last semester, however, I got into this unusual habit of picking up a book, reading half of it and then having zero desire to ever pick it up again. And let me tell you, I am not one that doesn't finish books willy nilly, no siree. Even if I hate a book and think it's garbage, I will finish it, by golly! I think I started five books last term and all of them remain, and will forever remain unfinished.
I don't know if I'm cured of whatever demon that is possessing me to inappreciatively toss unread books here and there, but I am currently reading a lil something interesting that has caught my attention.
Let me present to you Outliers.

It's about why some people are successful and why others are not. Love it, get your copy today.


Anonymous said...

A very good book.. I'm about to re-read it, and you now I never do that usually!..

Dixie & Markus said...

I'll have to pick it up!
Curse those demons!

Brandi said...

Thanks! Kennedy is definitely her! I'll have to pick up this book, sounds great!

Stacy Hutchinson said...

Josh read Blink and that other one. He said he wants to check this one out. I might just do the same.

Anonymous said...

The only books I've ever loved are ones you recommended. Including Skinny Bitch. can't wait to read this! Ps I just rented "Jane Eyre" from the library here- is it worth my time? It's long....