Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, you may be wondering what I'm doing with my glorious self these days. Well, I'll tell you.

I have decided that dentistry is not for me, and I'm looking at the grad school route as a better option for my liking.

Meantime, instead of graduating in May, like I was supposed to, with a degree in Biology and 2 minors, Spanish & Chemistry, I decided to take yet more classes. (!?)

I am taking Endocrinology and the last of my Spanish classes, to give me a double major in Bio and Spanish, still with a minor in Chemistry. (I almost considered even triple majoring and finishing out my chemistry requirements...but then I realized there's a point when things start to get ridiculous & people begin wonder...)

I'm still madly in love with the boyfriend, but if things don't go as planned, I may run away to Spain again and attend a grad school there for physiology!...kidding, kidding. OK, actually, not really.

Speaking of Spain, I ate squid and mussels for dinner last night, and it was deeeeelish and reminded me of paella. Oh how I yearn for Spanish cuisine...

That's all.


Dixie & Markus said...

So, maybe now you will be able to tell me why my hormones turn me into a crazy lady! What's the new graduation date going to be? You should look at grad schools in London......I'm just saying:)

Jessica said...

Not a bad idear.