Thursday, September 24, 2009

I had jury duty AGAIN this morning, but today it wasn't SO bad. I mean, first of all, I got an appropriate chance to wear a new pair of high-waisted Banana trouser pants that I'm so grown up (not to mention sexy) in. (Well, as grown up as one can be who still obsesses over articles of clothing like a times...)

So, get this. Today was the first time ever in my whole life that somebody mispronounced my last name! I was like "puah... WHAT? Are you SERIOUS??"....Tomompson? Thomopson?? BAHAHAHA!!!!! Never, in my whole entire life! Hil.A.Ri.ous.

I got a new computer finally and *ahem* an i-phone with it. I. am. obsessed. I am on my i-phone like white on rice. It's [probably] obnoxious. How did I ever survive without it? I can check my facebook/blog/email/ I WANT, any time I want, ANYWHERE I want. It does EVERYTHING. It's like magic.. It's like a magic box with unbelievable powers offered to me for the betterment of mankind... Does no one else stop to ponder the wonderment that is today's technology?...

My newest toys


Stacy Hutchinson said...

m with you in the loving clothes department. I've been hating clothes for a while b/c I've been bigger than I'd like, but I'm slimming back down FINALLY, so I'm re-entering the fashion world after a ten year hiatus. As far as technology goes, we block our texts, we share one PC, I still read the good ol' road atlas, so I can't relate. Those I-phones look so cute though. Maybe I'll upgrade for Christmas. Jesus was born, so I can get an I-Phone, right?

Dixie said...

My husband is equally obsessed with his i-phone. He's had for over a year now and the obsession is still just as strong. Some couples go to bed and read books, I fall asleep in the glow of my husband's iphone while he reads everything there is to read on the internet. haha! Time for you to get skype!!!

Dixie said...

Oh ya, and I bet you look amazing in high waist-ed pants with your slender long legs!