Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Mom

I could write novels on the coolness that is my mom, but tonight, there are two specific things for which I'd like to credit my mom for blessing my life.
The first is the gift of gab. It's kind of a silly thing, but as I'm out in the world, I have recognized what an important thing it is to be able to effectively communicate and articulate yourself to people; to be able to relate and understand others; form meaningful relationships. My mom can chat it up with practically anybody and as a result, her example has lead me to be a person who strives for that as well.
Another one of her greater contributions to my life is the freedom of expression and exploration. No matter what crazy idea I had or interest I pursued my mom was supportive and encouraging. I think a lot of moms today try to plot out their children's lives by micromanaging; such was not the case with me. My mom gave gave me wings to fly, and always a nest for respite from the world. It's comforting to know that even though I'm running around, two thousand miles away from home, possibly worrying her, she is always there to talk to, always there to listen.
With my personality (head strong, and independent...stubborn), I think Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he assigned my mother charge of me. Nobody else could do the job.
Thanks mom, you're the best.

I'd also like to thank 3 other women who have been surrogate mothers to me. Lorna Holloway, who is basically my spirit twin, Sherry Johns, who is super young at heart and awesome, and Rise' Bergman who nurtures and worries about me as if I were truly her own child. I could go on for hours about each of you; you women are amazing and I love you.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Hello there friend!! I have been thinking about you and how you are doing! Nice blog, they are the funnest things ever! I have one too, you should check it out! It's, yeah interesting name, but it will make sense. I just barely started mine. I miss you!! I will e-mail you, I promise, I want to see how you are! Love ya