Friday, May 16, 2008

pre-vacation vacation

You would think that since I'm on vacation, with all this time on my hands, I would have nonstop blogs posted daily. However, as it turns out, I have nothing interesting going on to blog about.

You wanna know what I've been doing the past few days? NOTHING.

I go to bed around midnight and I wake up ...oh, around 12 hours later. I meander into the living room and check my email and then turn the t.v. on. I flip through every single channel and either settle on the food network and die of boredom, or just shut the t.v. off.

Sometime, I will actually emerge from my cave and go out to run errands. (I am moving this week, and flying to Idaho tomorrow).

I'm not going to complain about having nothing to do though. It has been nice... Truth be told, I actually have accomplished something; I got rid of stuff.

I do this every season; it is so therapeutic. I love taking something like a shirt or a book and thinking... "You know, I haven't used you in a long time... I think I might need you in the future b/c I love you... but I probably won't. I bet somebody could be using you now, so it's time to say 'goodbye'." Then I throw it in a pile. It's the bestest.

FACT: I almost never wish I had kept something once I rid myself of it.

I know people have a hard time letting go of material objects, b/c they think they have sentimental value, but this is what I think.

1. Very few boxed up things should actually be kept:

Holiday decor
old letters/cards/pictures

2. Unless you wear it regularly, then you don't like it's probably out of style. (P.S. Don't wait for it to get back in style, that could take decades.)

3. Unless you have it out on display (i.e. books, decorations), then you don't like it anymore.

4. Unless you use it regularly, then it's useless. Toss it.

~Definition of regularly: daily, weekly, monthly, special occasions. Example: you use your cook wear on special occasions...haha, ok, that's just me.

Let's face it, you're keeping crap simply b/c you spent money on it, not b/c you want or need it anymore. Quit being selfish. Give it to charity. Make space.

For you pack rats out there, start small. Sometimes it takes years of coaxing to let go of some things. For instance, I have seriously been toting around old ballerina costumes from high school for 5+ years now! WHY!!?? Who knows. I'm so ashamed... Except that I chucked them yesterday. Phew.

My WORST nightmare! AHHHH!!!

Perfection. The Japanese know what's up.


Stacy Hutchinson said...

Please come see us in Twin if you can! We would LOVE to see you!

Jessica said...

I'm planning on it!

Jeni said...

Okay, sometimes your blog creeps me out...we have so many similarities. I love de-junking. My favorite food is french fries. The list could go on and on. You've inspired me to clear the clutter once again. Goodwill, here I come!

Give Stacy a hug for me! We all miss her down here.

Katy said...


So, I declutter when I feel stressed. Yesterday, for example... i just got the baby to sleep and I can't keep my living room clean because I live in a n apartment the size of a matchbox... and I have a 21 month old who likes to, well, play with toys (can you believe it) anywho... I went in the bathroom and went through our medications and all the lotions, sprays, shampoos, facial masks... etc that I have had for who knows how long and threw it all away. I replace the space with necessary 'claire bathing' items and I was thrilled to have it gone...

It makes me say ...'ahh'