Sunday, June 15, 2008


When I was a kid, I used to love to lay on the grass in my front yard and look for shapes in the clouds. However, as the years have gone by I've looked up at them less and less. If it's not lightning and thundering, or directly pouring rain down on me, demanding my attention, my gaze is more in the forward direction.

I have this special friend who gets ridiculously giddy when he sees fluffy clouds and he's often in a bad mood when they're grey or not out for the day. As a result, I have found myself beginning to look up more often; and when I see a great bubbly cloud, I get excited and want to tell him about it. They really are peaceful bodies that encourage pause.

This post is dedicated to him and our mutual affection for those cumulus wonders in the sky.

(I took pictures of these clouds on my way home from Idaho to Richmond last month)


Ran Ragged by Boys said...

Jess those are some nice pics. Just wanted to say hi and good luck on your test comming up. Haven't talked in a long time, it sounds like life is good. Keep it up.

Dixie & Markus said...

I miss yeeeeew! I was thinking about you today and all our good times. I almost cried:)

Jeni said...

I love the last picture.