Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I looked out the window and what did I see...

So, I just finished my workout at the gym. I run upstairs to put my swimsuit on so I can go up for a quick swim before I hit the books again. However, I look out the window and I realize that it is raining... Boo... I can't swim in the rain, I might get electrocuted...

Oh well. So, instead, I shower and put on some pj’s... When I’m finished I go out to the living room to read some fascinating literature on Organic Chemistry. Before I sit, I happen to glance outside. Lo and behold, seriously, the most beautiful rainbow of my 25 years on Earth, existing right out side my window! I immediately run for my camera and start hanging halfway out my apartment trying to get a good shot. Then I realize, “I bet this is a full rainbow, I should go to the roof!”

I’m like geeking out, talking to myself up there, in total disbelief that nobody else is on the roof marveling at this sight to behold. I look down on the ground and still, I see no one! Can it be? Is this rainbow just for me!? I have to laugh at myself too, b/c meanwhile, I am almost having a conversation with God that goes something like this “Ok, could you really stop with the distractions?... I’m trying to study here...remember?...the DAT?!..... OK, fine...YAY RAINBOWS! Thanks God!”


Cheri said...

It's okay Jess, I geek out about rainbows too. I always get giddy and try to point it out to the kids and they always look at me like, "yeah, so." I guess it takes special people to like rainbows.

Jessica said...

haha! yeah...we're definitely special

Roxanne said...

I love the view. That looks like a great place to live. Your place is way nicer than anything I ever lived in...I am glad you feel at home.

PawPaw & Grammy said...

Hey girl remember, we did a photo of you in the front yard with your hand extended holding a rainbow, I would email the photo but don't know where to find it. Clouds, rainbows, my kinda thing too. Idaho big skies, love it.