Thursday, May 20, 2010

oh who am I kidding?

Am I actually going to blog every single day? HA!
What day are we on anyways? 5 6?

Yesterday 2 days ago was Tuesday. I taught ballet all morning, and tutored bio all afternoon. Twas a long day of giving of myself. Just kidding. I got the moolah too.

Nothing exciting happened except around 10pm, all my belongings sans clothes and car and person (duh) arrived safe & sound in Tallahassee, Florida.

Today is Yesterday was Wednesday. I don't quite remember what my day was like, but I think I remember hating it.

Today was is Thursday. Good gracious Sally, my oh my. I am on an emotional roller coaster.

Let me tell you why for the past few days my life has been in shambles:
1. It has rained everyday since Friday.
2. I have had a pile of paper work to do and have refused to tackle it (until today- More on that later).
3. My sweet boyfriend is 2,000+ miles away and I hate it. And I equate it to what it's going to be like when I'm in Florida. and it makes me think I'm not going to be quite the happy camper I originally pictured. And it sucks.
4. I still haven't squeezed baby Vera and probably won't until she's too old to be squozzed anymo'. It's really just unfair and uncool.
5. Hormones.

Let me tell you how I snapped out of it this day (one of my dancers never says "today". Instead she says "this day" and it's awesome).
1. I simply allowed myself to just carry on and cry like a lunatic meanwhile doing paper work-just to see if it might help(???)
2. I looked at the clear blue sky and thanked the heavens for a nice day. finally.
3. I ate an entire pack of raspberries in one sitting. I don't know. I just felt like it.
4. I tackled that pile of paper work, crossed some things off my enormous list and felt stupid for being so (ok I'll admit it) overwhelmed.
5. Who am I kidding here? Hormones.


Dixie said...

Hang in there. Don't let those hormones take over your brain and turn you into a crazy. Easier said than done:)

Dixie said...

Perfect song for you life right now: 'one minute' by kelly clarkson