Saturday, May 8, 2010

the word.

When I was in elementary school I wanted to be a shark specialist.
And when I was in junior high, I wanted to be a writer.
When I was in high school, I wanted to be an interior designer.
And, actually. I still want to be all those things.

Baz Luhrmann said in his cool sunscreen song-

"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your
life.  The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don't."

This makes me feel interesting.

I've spent the last 8 years doing  a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.  I worked as a camera girl at a news station.  I worked as a dessert maker at a restaurant.  I was a nanny, a painter, then a dental assistant, a tutor, then a ballet/tap instructor to preschoolers.  Meanwhile, I got my degree in Biology and Chemistry and a minor in Spanish...

(This is starting to sound like a resume)

I was pretty convinced for a few years that I was going to be a dentist.  All my efforts in college were directed at that goal, but true to form, I changed my mind.

Over the course of my life, I have tried on lots of different hats.  More often than not, I've been bewildered by all the directions my interests have taken me.  However, all along the way there have been a few common denominators.  While growing up and intending for a life of mad science, I have repeatedly found myself going back to my basics which include hanging with kiddos, dancing, and dreaming of being my own boss.  I've found a way to turn those things into my primary focus and source of income.

It's been in the works for about a year now, but now that the papers are signed, it's time for the big reveal.  I bought a ballet company for preschoolers and taking it down to Tallahassee, Florida!  I'm franchising a company already in existence here in Richmond which is part of why I'm not staying.  Hello, year-round sunshine!

I know many of you are thinking- "wow, that rules!" or "Good for you, Jess!"...or "....gooooood luck...ahem..."  "but what about Clint?"

Well, I'll tell you what about Clint!  First things first.  I cut his hair into a mohawk last night, in preparation for buzzing completely.  It surprised both of us how much we LOVE it!!  He's keeping it till they make him shave it at school.  Secondly, we love each other more than ever.  Clint's my bestie and my squeezer.  The time is just not right for us to bust out with diamond rings and floral arrangements.  This next year is about him focusing on his last year of dental school and graduating.  He has boards to study and prepare for and externships etc...  More importantly, I'm doing something that is totally for me.  We're going to try our hand at the long distance thing.  It's 100$ for a round trip ticket from Richmond to Tallahassee so we expect we'll see each other at least once a month.

So there you have it!  My goss'!
Over and out.
Before I go, here are some of my darlings.


Anonymous said...

How adorable! Good-luck and have fun with EVERYTHING!

Dixie said...

I'm so so excited for you! Let me know if she's interested in franchising abroad! I can teach hip-hop. hahaha! Those girls are precious and YOU look like a goddess. I almost pressed print and framed that picture of you, it is so beautiful. I wanna see clint's hawk.

Amanda said...

Way to go!! I wish you would come franchise in Burley, ID. How about in the future? You are such a strong and capable, fearless and brave person. Way to do something for you.

Stacy Hutchinson said...

AWESOME!! Way to follow your dreams and do something you love. We could all learn a little something from you.

Kari said...

wow Jess thats awesome!!! I can't believe it. You are so amazing and always surprising me! I'm so proud of you and I hope all goes well in Florida!! really sounds great!

PS for the extra info about you and clint....its like you read me mind :)

tutus n bowties said...

this post made me happy!