Wednesday, May 26, 2010

rock climbing extravaganza

One of the things that I'm going to deeply miss upon moving to Florida is our newly renovated Cary Street Gym.  I mean, this place is rad.

This is the place that got me back into working out.  I go to step class, body sculpt, A.B.S., beach body workout, yoga, Absoglutely, & Boot camp; a different class everyday.  They offer the best variety of classes, and so I never get bored! 

Last night, Clint and I met up with a couple friends of ours and decided to try out the rock climbing wall at Cary street.  No joke, you can rent all the (brand new) gear for free, and if you're not certified to belay, you can grab somebody to do it for you.  Sweet. Deal.  Clint has never been rock climbing ever before, and he's afraid of heights, but he scurried up that wall like it was no big thang!  I was so proud of him!  He totally conquered his fear!  He's such a stud! 

So, I think we're going to start going once a week and make it a tradition.  Well, for a month, anyway!

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