Monday, May 10, 2010

as per request

I recognize that, yes, I did put these on facebook. So, you've prolly seen these picts already. However, some of you are not facebook savvy (mom) and haven't seen them.

Sadly, this haircut lasted a mere 48 hours. We cut it late Friday night and he shaved the rest of it Sunday night, for school. The good news is, the semester ends Friday, so he's going to grow his hair out and cut it like this again for the summer. "Why did we not just wait till Friday to cut it, so he could keep it for the summer?" You ask? Because we are boneheads. That's why.

Anyways. I don't care what any of you haters (Jake) may say, I think Clint looks dang sexy sporting a curly-blonde-mohawk. And my opinion is all that matters anyway. Behold.


Dixie said...

I didn't realize he was a curly head. I like the look on him! I also like how Clint's nostrils always look like they're flared. haha!

Jessica said...

Clint's nose is like my favorite feature on him! haha It's like a button and a ski slope all at once. He has a superb profile.