Wednesday, April 30, 2008

here's the deal

So, this happens at the end of every single semester... it's so annoying. I'm falling apart.

At the beginning of every semester, I am always just so fresh and on top of my game. I am getting up early, exercising, eating right, reading my scriptures, working hard in school and at work- basically achieving all my potential awesomeness...

Then somewhere along the line, I get tired. About around the last half of the semester, I stop waking up on time (if at all), I cease working out, and scripture reading falls completely off the schedule.

This girl in my class yesterday asked me if I was ok, I looked tired, something was weird with my eyes...? I was fine. I had no make-up on. (In her defense, I have really blond eyebrows and eyelashes, so when I don't put mascara on them, I look sickly).

The good thing is, my grades are consistent. I will sacrifice everything else, but my school work always gets done. I'm starting to wonder if I have my priorities all out of whack? I mean, obviously school is important, but the rest of my life is in complete disarray!...

Anyways, I'm being candid about it all b/c, I mean, what can I do? Anybody who knows me, knows that I'm just going to make lists of goals, and start the whole thing over again, as soon as finals are over.

In fact, I went to the gym tonight!
I walked on the treadmill, up hill for 10 minutes. Ran for 5 minutes. Did 10 sit-ups. Did 10 bicep curls, and called it a night... I didn't want to over exert myself.


So here's the deal. I have 3 final exams and a presentation next week. I'm probably going to allow my muscles to continue to decompose between now and next Friday. THEN, it's time to get serious. I'm going to the beach for a week in June. I can't help that peeps will have to bear witness to my gleaming white flesh; But I can help my flabby gleaming white flesh.

In addition to working my hot bod, here is a compilation of my other goals:

* Think positively, I'm going to evolve into a the-glass-is-half-full girl.

* Call home more often

* Attend all my church meetings, even when I don't want to

* Read my scriptures

* Venture away from my comfort foods and cook something new

I really love making lists. Just creating a list already makes me feel so accomplished.

Well. That about does it for today.


Anonymous said...

Well.. The semester is like a creature life cycle, it starts all fresh and happy then it will eventually get weak and die..

Dixie & Markus said...

I've been feeling the same way about my life and my goals I set for myself, except it's monthly. I start the month all fired up only to realize that my body gets sooo tired and I can't be bothered to get all those goals accomplished in the time frame I give myself. Damn this mortal state!

Roxanne said...

I love how real this post is. I am in a state of life that holds different challenges but the concepts are the same. I remember being in school and feeling this same way. You will get through it and look great even if you haven't been working out.
Are you taking a trip to Idaho anytime soon? If so I want to see you!

Jeni said...

I'm a list maker, too. My husband teases me because there are lists all over our house. I'll write one out when we're going to stay overnight somewhere. Are you the oldest child? I've noticed a lot of first-borns are listers:)

Good luck on finals and getting your hot bod!

Jessica said...

yes, I am an oldest child. I carry all of the prototypical oldest child trains... independent, bossy, etc. etc....